Sexually transmissible infections (STI) are caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or parasites. They are transmitted from one person to another by skin-to-skin contact or contact with bodily fluids such as pre-cum, vaginal and anal secretions, breast milk, and semen (cum). Typically, the organisms that cause STI enter the body through broken skin or mucous membranes, which are the warm, moist surfaces including the vagina, urethra, anus, mouth, and eyes. Mucous membranes are much thinner and more easily damaged than regular skin.

Blood borne viruses (BBV) can be spread from one person to another through blood-to-blood contact or when infected bodily fluids enter the bloodstream. Vaginal or anal sex can cause tiny cuts (sometimes called micro-tears) in mucous membranes, especially where there is not enough lubrication. This damage can be so minor that you don’t even notice it, but it can provide an entry point for BBVs. People infected with a BBV may show little or no symptoms, and others may get severe symptoms. BBV can be passed on whether the person has symptoms or not.

生殖支原体 (MG)

若出现 MC 感染症状,一般会在接触后 1 周至 6 个月内表现出来。平均需要 2 – 3 个月。大多数情况下,MC 无需治疗即可愈合,但有些人会出现并发症,包括脓疱病(抓挠损伤后出现的皮肤感染)或结膜炎(眼睑发生病变后可能会发生)。 Was this page helpful?
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